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Gyms definitely have their place. Up until now, the benefits of hiking could only be theorized and no true scientific information was available. Austrian researchers announced their findings following an in depth comparison of two groups of people chosen for studying the effects of hiking. There are certain people, and you may be one of this group, who simply need a gym-like environment full of people, machines & weights to motivate them to workout. 3.Increases brain function.4.Gyms are crowded. Off the top of my head, here's seven benefits of hiking over indoor aerobic activity:1.Breathing crisp, fresh air is healthier than the intake of body-odor-sweat-laden gym air. The groups switched their respective programs after this two month period, repeating the experiment.The findings revealed that hiking both uphill & downhill provides excellent health benefits. This took place in the Alps at a ski resort mountain. Can't really be tn alone with your thoughts in a gym full of people.5.Costs less. One group hiked uphill for two months, while the second group were transported by cable car to a higher elevation, then hiked downhill. Triglyceride levels were reduced from hiking uphill only, while downhill hiking was almost twice as effective in removing blood sugars and improving glucose tolerance.That's some pretty amazing information. All these aerobic exercises & classes each appeal to different people, and if practiced with intensity & commitment, will yield results. Gyms are all pretty much the same.In 2004, results were released of a fascinating study involving how hiking influences the fats & sugars in one's blood. Yet I'd like to mention an activity which I feel can be healthier & more physically stimulating than any of these other activities: hiking.One of the best all-around aerobic activities that anyone can engage in is tn requin hiking. Once you've bought a good pair of hiking boots or shoes, there are no more fees.6.You don't need to wait for a trail to hike, as you do for machines or weights in a gym. Researchers from the Vorarlberg Institute for Vascular Investigation and Treatment are those who performed this intensive study. For the most part, all these aforementioned activities take place inside a building, usually a health or fitness club. Tastes better too! 2.Hiking stimulates & sharpens every physical sense. The best part, there's no fee where you practice this, as it's accomplished in nature's own health club, the outdoors! Yes, going to the gym and pushing the pedals, tramping the treadmill or straining on the stair-stepper will definitely burn off unwanted body fat and do your body good. Let's face it, without health & fitness clubs, many people would never work out. Whether it's the sight of people in better condition than we are, or maybe just the opposite, those who are worse off & make us feel better about ourselves; whatever the reason, health clubs do a great deal to help thousands & perhaps millions of people to exercise and achieve a better fitness level.Treadmills, stair-steppers, spinning classes, aerobic classes, Tae Bo, kick boxing, yoga, pilates, the list goes on. Both directions of hiking reduced LDL cholesterol levels, known as "bad" cholesterol. I always knew that hiking was great for the body, but this particular study breaks it down and shares information that I didn't know. But in my opinion, a gym simply can't compete with nature. A gym atmosphere does much to push some people into getting into shape. 7.Outdoors is more diverse. Hiking is indeed great for raising our fitness levels & keeping us healthy!. nouveau haussure Requin Nike cartoon,Max Air Tn Requin cartoonvendre et acheter tn nike cartoon chaussures hommes noir hook