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I'd like to share with you a few little workplace-effectiveness techniques that boost success. Result? The
"and" says, "We can work on a solution, which is more important than the blame
right now" - and people are far more likely to listen, meaning communication improves.Successful professionals
focus on what I call the "language of the positive." There are many, many more
examples of this than those I've provided. Can you think of any additional ways to
change commonly used words or phrases so co-workers and clients respond even better? I encourage
you to delve deep and test new ways to communicate verbally.Joan Burge is the founder
and CEO of Office Dynamics, Ltd., an international leader in the development and presentation of
sophisticated training programs and information for business professionals. She worked her way from receptionist to
assisting CEOs, serving various industries ranging from small businesses to Fortune 500 companies before requin tn founding
her business in 1990. She is also featured in an inspirational book called Remarkable Women.
As a professional speaker, corporate trainer, consultant and author, Joan equips professionals to move beyond
task work to higher-level functions that meet the ever-changing demands of today's workplace.Joan is the
author of 3 books and 15 workbooks, is the editor of Monday Motivators, and has
been published in more than 52 trade journals. Did you know that changing just a
few of the everyday words you use while conducting business can actually enhance people's positive
impressions of you? Here are three quick and highly effectiveness linguistic tips you can start
using today."Do" or "can" instead of "try."When you're a pro at what you do, you
understand the importance of managing expectations among the people you support and work with in
the office. Joan has more than 37 years of experience in training, speaking tn requin entrepreneurship, and
innovation. Conversely, the second statement acknowledges the bad news, yet skillfully avoids the sense that
a shoe is about to fall. Problem: "Try" has a somewhat wimpy connotation, as if
you're unsure - even when you aren't, of course! Solution: Replace with variations of the
words "do" or "can" instead - and focus on what is definite: "I'll do a
preliminary outline by Tuesday for review," or "I will complete a preliminary outline Tuesday.""Believe" instead
of "think" or "feel." If you're a careful listener, you'll often hear people say something
like, "I think/feel the best course of action is...." Communication experts agree that replacing "think/feel"
with "believe" expresses even more assertiveness and self-confidence to management, colleagues and clients: "I believe
you're right." Bonus fact: To communicate even more directly and succinctly, practice dropping the use
of "I believe," and stick with the statement itself: "You're right.""And" instead of "but." Here's
one of my favorites! See if you can tell the difference between these two statements:
"I know you've missed the deadline, but..." vs. She is a member of the American
Society for Training & Development, the National Speakers Association, the Southern Nevada Human Resource Association,
National Association of Female Executives, and the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce.Before founding Office Dynamics,
Joan worked as an administrative professional for 20 years in 12 different companies in 5
states. That's why so many of us use the word "try" (as in, "I will
try to have that report finished Tuesday") to buffer our schedules and communicate parameters on
tasks and projects. "I know you've missed the deadline, and...." The first sets up a
negative "but," which precedes bad news - and since people know this, they tend to
get defensive or tune out whatever follows, regardless of its legitimacy. http://www.officedynamics.com.
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