Pedersen BK, Ostrowski K, Rohde T, Bruunsgaard H.
Pedersen BK, Ostrowski K, Rohde T, Bruunsgaard H. Levels of C-reactive protein, interleukins 6,10, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and other cytokines increase in response to exercise suggesting that exercise elicits a response similar to the immune response due to a bacterial NIKE FREE TILBUD,infection20. Supplements such as fish oils and isoflavones12 also have no noticeable effects although there is a suggestion that antioxidant supplements may have a minor benefit3.Currently the only clinically effective treatment is topical13 or oral administration of non-steroidalAir Max 90 Pas Cher anti-inflammatory agents, like ibuprofen14,15,16,17. Since each developing chick has to rely upon the factors present in one egg, each egg is a naturally concentrated source of immune factors. DOMS compromises normal muscle function leading to compensatory alterations in muscle sequence and recruitment patterns, which places undue stress upon muscle ligaments and tendons. Lack of effect of acupuncture upon signs and symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness. MacIntyre DL, Sorichter S, Mair J, Berg A, McKenzie DC. M., Orlans, E., and Buttress, N. Since DOMS requires an athlete take time off from intense training, it takes consistently longer to achieve peak fitness levels.Treatment strategies that diminish DOMS and speed recovery are crucial for every serious athlete. Unfortunately, these drugs shut down the prostaglandin pathways necessary for proper recovery and healing.Since inflammation is a key aspect of DOMS, some research has explored the role of the immune system in DOMS18,19,20,21, both as a marker of muscle damage and to suggest a treatment involving the immune system to minimize muscle soreness and aid recovery. Does post-exercise massage treatment reduce delayed onset muscle soreness? A systematic review. Malm C, Nyberg P, Engstrom M, Sjodin B, Lenkei R, Ekblom B, Lundberg I. Babul S, Rhodes EC, Taunton JE, Lepawsky M. Immunoglobins and immune factors occur naturally in eggs and since eggs are a common source of protein in the human diet, "immune" eggs are a safe and economical source of specific immune factors24,25. 2000 Nov;20(6):449-56.9. Simple stimulation of the chicken's immune system with heat-inactivated bacteria (pathogenic to humans) creates eggs that contain both specific immune factors as well as non-specific immune modulating components, which the human immune system can recognize and utilize to influence immune function.While this new technology was created to balance the human immune system for optimal health, a wide variety of athletes have noticed a significant reduction in muscle soreness while consuming hyperimmune egg. Homeopathic Arnica 30x is ineffective for muscle soreness after long-distance running: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. These studies show a minor non-significant effect upon DOMS. Vickers AJ, Fisher P, Smith C, Wyllie SE, Rees R. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Stone, MB, Merrick MA, Ingersoll CD, Edwards, JE. Sports Med. 2002 Jan-Feb;10(1):67-73.5TN Requin Net Femme . Naproxen does not alter indices of muscle damage in resistance-exercise trained men. 1998 Sep;14(3):227-31.12. Hyperimmune eggs also provide a nutritionally complete source of protein for optimal muscle repair and recovery as they have the same nutritional profile as a supermarket egg.Much research remains to be conducted to document this effect scientifically, since most evidence collected thus far is anecdotal. Clin J Sport Med. Rose, E. 2000 Nov 15;529 Pt 1:243-62.20. Cheung K, Hume P, Maxwell L. DOMS is most common when a new sport or activity is begun following a period of reduced activity and is most affected by eccentric exercise. M., Lindahl, T. Braun, WA, Dutto DJ The effects of a single bout of downhill running and ensuing delayed onset muscle soreness on running economy performed 48 hours later. Non-traditional remedies include acupuncture8, hyperbaric chamber9, low intensity laser light10, and homeopathy11. Bourgeois J, MacDougall D, MacDonald J, Tarnopolsky M. This implies that the primary mode of action of hyperimmune egg may be to regulate or influence inflammatory cytokines associated with DOMS. Chicken Egg Antibodies for Prophylaxis and Therapy of Infectious Intestinal Diseases, I. 1999 Jan;31(1):4-9.16. The cytokine response to strenuous exercise. Anti-inflammatory treatment of muscular injuries in sport. 2003 Jul;13(4):200-8.14. Barlas P, Robinson J, Allen J, Baxter GD. Clin J Sport Med. Br J Sports Med. Quantitation of Maternal-Fetal IgG Transport in the Chicken Immunology 1985 54:755-762.23. This close relationship between the immune system and exercise suggests that modulating inflammatory cytokine levels could be a plausible method to minimize DOMS.A novel approach derived from hyperimmune science may prove to have unique benefits for athletes due to its modulating effect upon the immune system and subsequently upon DOMS. J Strength Cond Res. Chicken Antibodies: Taking Advantage of Evolution-A Review. Ernst E. Markers of inflammation and myofibrillar proteins following eccentric exercise in humans. This forceful shift in contraction causes the microscopic muscle tears that seem to underlie DOMS.The most effective treatment strategy is rest and allocating sufficient time for injured muscles to heal. Such exercise causes muscle fibers to forcefully contract while they are lengthening providing a "braking" action to the muscle. Almekinders LC. 22. 2003 May;13(3):138-47.10. However, based upon clinical trials in related areas of hyperimmune egg science, this appears to be a credible approach to minimize or potentially eliminate the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness in athletes.References1. Hilbert JE, Sforzo GA, Swensen T The effects of massage on delayed onset muscle soreness. Symptoms can range from mild muscle soreness to severe debilitating pain. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. Farr T, Nottle C, Nosaka K, Sacco P. 2003 Sep:90(1-2):29-34.2. Immunization and Antibody Determination J Vet Med 1988 35:610-616.25. Br J Sports Med. Traditional treatments include rest, ice, gentle stretching, and massage5,6,7, although these do little to speed recovery of muscle tissue. 1998 May;76(5):505-11.21. Lenn J, Uhl T, Mattacola C, Boissonneault G, Yates J, Ibrahim W, Bruckner G. 2002 Oct;34(10):1605-13.13. However many athletes "train through the pain" and develop additional injuries. J Sci Med Sport. Clin Physiol. J Strength Cond Res 2003 Feb;17(1):53-9.18. This imbalance often leads to further injury and compromises an athlete's ability to train to their full potential. Kowalczyk, K., Daiss, J., Halpern, J., and Roth, T. 2003 Feb;37(1):72-5.7. J Physiol. Immunological changes in human skeletal muscle and blood after eccentric exercise and multiple biopsies. Delayed onset muscle soreness: treatment strategies and performance factors. Morphologic and mechanical basis of delayed-onset muscle soreness. MacIntyre DL, Reid WD, Lyster DM, Szasz IJ, McKenzie DC. Craig JA, Barlas P, Baxter GD, Walsh DM, Allen JM. 2003;33(2):145-64.3. The effects of fish oil and isoflavones on delayed onset muscle soreness. These immune factors are able to support the function of an immature immune system. Eur J Appl Physiol. 1996 Dec;14(6):375-80.11. Delayed-onset muscle soreness: lack of effect of combined phototherapy/low-intensity laser therapy at low pulse repetition rates. Eur J Appl Physiol. J Clin Laser Med Surg. Sports Med. During DOMS, leukocytes infiltrate skeletal muscle and cytokine activity is altered. 1996 Mar;80(3):1006-13. Unfortunately, there are few treatment strategies that yield consistent results. Although DOMS is a frequent phenomenon for many athletes and has been studied extensively for several years, there is neither a unifying theory to explain its underlying cause nor a treatment modality that produces significant relief from DOMS1,2,3.Current theory suggests that eccentric exercise causes a micro tearing of muscle fibers and the damaged muscle elicits an inflammatory response4. This research has yielded varied results due to our limited understanding of the function of the immune system in exercise physiology. Hyperimmune science relies upon the principle of the passive transfer of immunity to naturally deliver immunoregulatory proteins. Tokmakidis SP, Kokkinidis EA, Smilios I, Douda H. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. All mammals transfer immune factors to their young through their breast milk. Efficacy of transdermal ketoprofen for delayed onset muscle soreness. 2002 Dec;5(4): 297-306.6. 2001 Mar;84(3):180-6.19. F. J Appl Physiol. 2003 Feb;17(1):197-208.4. Immunoglobulin Classes in the Hen's Egg: Their Segregation in Yolk and White Eur J Immunology 1974 4:521-523 24. The effects of therapeutic massage on delayed onset muscle soreness and muscle function following downhill walking. Running, weight training and downward movements such as squats and push-ups qualify as eccentric exercise. Clin J Sport Med. L., and Forsberg, P.O. Treatment and prevention of delayed onset muscle soreness. This post-exercise inflammation creates further muscle damage and inhibits repair and recovery of muscle tissue. Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is a common response to exercise and a familiar experience for the elite or novice athlete. 1998 Sep;32(3):212-4.8. An update of recent studies. Lieber RL, Friden J. 2002 Nov;12(6):373-8.17. 1999 Dec;28(6):383-8.15. Larsson, A., Balow, R. This effect shows a consistent dose-response effect, with higher intake resulting in less muscle soreness which would be the expected result if hyperimmune eggs were able to reliably regulate immune activity. Med Sci Sports Exerc. Preliminary comparison of bromelain and Ibuprofen for delayed onset muscle soreness management. Chickens also transfer related immune components to their young chicks by incorporating these factors into their eggs22,23. Kühlmann, R., Wiedemann, V., Schmidt, P., Wanke, R., Linckh, E., and Lösch, U.. Clin J Pain. Connolly DA, Sayers SP, HcHugh MP. Presence of WBC, decreased strength, and delayed soreness in muscle after eccentric exercise. Effects of intermittent exposure to hyperbaric oxygen for the treatment of an acute soft tissue injury. Cannavino CR, Abrams J, Palinkas LA, Saglimbeni A, Bracker MD. The effects of ibuprofen on delayed onset muscle soreness and muscular performance after eccentric exercise. Poultry Sciences 1993 72:1807-1812..
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